News | Tour

Upcoming Punk Gigs: October

The updates have been lacking had been very busy apologies. Thank you to all those who came to GGI fest, it was great and hope everyone enjoy. Thank you to Conor and everyone who helped ut it was no easy under taking!! Gig updates I have tried to create something with a bit more substance […]

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Irish Punk News | News

Upcoming Punk Gigs – August Update

I have been busy and away so excuse the lack and or delay in compiling the gig listings not saying much else!!If you don’t see a gig you are involved in let us know, it is happening by writing to or just say Hi by emailing: giglistings@distroyrecords.comPunks Forever – Punks AbuAUGUSTStiff Little Fingers18/08/2022 – Stiff Little […]

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Distro-y Records | Distrotable

Distrotable Freesheet

We are now on to our second issue of the Distrotable Freesheet, with it having made it to the second issue we thought we would talk about what it is and what the goal is for it. What is it?It is a single A4 sheet that is to be released monthly and will include upcoming […]

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