Irish Punk News News Tour

Mailing List of Punk Gigs

January 21, 2024

The gig listings are popular but not everyone uses social media so they dont always see updates and even if you are on social media you may not see them. Somebody asked this week was there a mailing list there wasn’t but its a good idea. So here we are fill out the form and get added to the list which I hope will be sent out every two weeks.
E-mail will be collected so you can be emailed the list.
Name is there to so we know you are an actual person.
County is here so we can inform you about new punk gigs in your area, if you are an old punk living in Longford we will let you know about the new punk gigs happening there.
Final question is what you would like to see from this list? Prices of gigs? Better location of venues? Ticket links?
All information will be stored for the purpose of sharing gig information we will not share your information with gig promotors but will share gig promotor information with you.

Here are the recent gig listings:

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