About Distro-y
Distro-y started off as small distro that used to be put in a bag and brought to gigs in Galway over time, it expanded a small bit and is now based in Sligo and is part of a number of other little projects. The aim of Distro-y over all is to help out the DIY punk scene both locally in Ireland and around the world where possible. There are a number of different parts/projects as part of Distro-y cause I like to be complicated Distro-y Records, Distrotable, D-Beat Beater, Absurd Merch, Distr-Oi Records and no longer inexistence DIYLoad and Jobsworth Records.
The Distro-y Website is to inform about general information about what is going on in all these little projects and be a resource tool for punk/hardcore in Ireland posting gig listing when gigs come back and more information.

Distro-y Records is the record label with goal of releasing bands that we love and who embody the DIY spirit of the underground scene from both Ireland and around the world in the hopes of promoting hardcore//crust local and internationally having released Crutches(sweden), Rats Blood, Bacchus, Putrefaction, Burnt Cross(UK), Fatum(Russia), Okus, Link(Belgium) to name a small few.

Distrotable is the webstore, where everything we sell is available to order. We import lots of records from other labels and distros around the world as to make it available within the local scene making music more accessible with out people paying crazy shipping costs. The variety is constantly expanding as Ireland is the main support for the distro and has a very small and diverse base so its not all just Crust punk. It used to be called Distro-y Distro but think Distrotable is a bit more catchy. Follow on Facebook and visit the store and buy some records and support all these projects https://distrotable.com/

D-Beat Beater is/was a crust/hardcore news site that start as a poorly put together zine and then moved online to share the latest news on releases within the scene unfortunately I dont have the time to this anymore so content has dropped off over the last couple of years despite best efforts to revive it on numerous occasions.

Absurd Merch is screen printing and distribution of merch it was mainly aimed towards the Irish hardcore/metal scene with the idea of printing shirts for local bands and creating a one stop shop for people to pick up one or more bands shirts support multiple bands all at once. There is a keen focus towards ethical and sustainable clothing teaming up with No Sweat collective in the UK to offer an alternative to unethical and unsustainable clothing that is extremely common within the music scene. http://absurdmerch.com/

Distr-Oi! Records is the Oi! wing of Distro-y releasing Oi!/Punk on vinyl the releases so far are small in number but great check out Grit & United Bottles.
DIYLoad is a project no longer running it was offering download codes to bands and labels around 2011-2014 or something my memory is hazy. It was when the idea of download codes was only starting off now you can get them on bandcamp but at the time there was nowhere really around.

Jobsworth Records was a sub-label aimed at releasing punk.
All these projects were all started off as hobbies and I would pump my own money into however I am no longer in the situation where I have the luxury of wasting money as have a family with 3 kids, so all I can offer is time to these projects these all still completely DIY project and try to manage them fairly and transparently creating an ‘Irish Punk fund’ to help the local scene by anything that is sold through Distro-y Releases/Distributed Releases goes back into helping make more music and support projects within the scene.
If you have any questions/comments or words of support we welcome them if you want to know more about anything let me know. If you want to know why we try to do free shipping? or why certain records costs so much? or whats up this or whats up with that just ask and I will explain the thinking or logic behind it.
Thanks for all the support its how this project keeps going to think a project like this has last so long far away from a major punk scene is baffling but here we are 13 years later….
Thanks, Alex Distro-y
Here is what I was listening to while writing this and my thoughts/crappy review of it:
Touche Amore – Lament 12″
Its a raw expansive post-hardcore emotional record that is for me feels like fighting an uphill battle that is not going to give up through sheer determination. For fans of: Defeater, Pianos Become The Teeth
Of course this is/was available on Distrotable.com I like so maybe you might the whole idea of our distro