NEW ARRIVALS THIS WEEK Bunch of releases in from La Vida Es Un Mus here and also an imported 2×12″ from Mexico. We got in copies of Antimaster discography 2×12″ the legendary Mexican crust punks this features their S/T LP, their side of the split CD with Give Up All Hope and split 12″ with Disnight Bastards. we are the only place in Europe who have it currently.
I got in some La Vida Es Un Mus release I am not going to write about the music cause it is all great, but thought I would write about why the records might be of interest. Ohyda recently played a couple of show in Ireland so we got their latest LP Irreal will play Ireland next month so we got their latest LP Rat Cage new LP out next month also available for pre-order on webshop so we got their last LP ,Taqbir is a 7″ you should have already but if you don’t shame on you get it now, Home Front is my favourite LP this year and didnt get enough copies the first time shame on me get it, new Rata Negra new 7″ and new Belgrado LP check them out also got in RP Death Churchis sold out already.