
Just to let people know the distro is closed pretty much for a year as have a lot on my plate and could not focus on distro and I tried to clear out as much stock as I could by putting on one last sale but as the distro and label were still active as […]

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D-Beat Beater – Punk News Site

Some of you may know I have done a bunch of other punk related projects over the years other than Distro-y one of these is a little blog called D-Beat Beater, which is site where I basically post news about Crust/Hardcore bands.

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Irish Punk//Hardcore

Ok so as said I plan on doing a lot more different stuff with new ideas bridging stuff from previous activities to future, some of you know I need time away from releases and distro so this is a project that will take time to build in the meantime.

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Running Costs

So in the last post I said I wanted to explain how I ran Distro-y and give you a look into how it was run and I continue to run it. I look it as a hobby I do just like posting punk news on D-Beat Beater and doing BJJ another hobby of mine. Some […]

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